
的 goal of the Wisconsin Community-Based Care and Treatment Training 注册表 is to increase the health and safety of the residents who live in Wisconsin's community settings through the provision of a standardized curriculum facilitated by qualified instructors. 作为一名合格的教练,你在实现这一目标的过程中扮演着不可或缺的角色. Guidelines and standards have been created to help instructors maintain approval status and to assure that employees are trained consistently.

To apply as an instructor, renew your approval, manage your classes, please 登录 教练指示板.




注册组制定了一份清单,帮助教师提交课程. 检查 教员培训清单.


批准, 消防安全讲师, 药物管理, 急救和窒息 and 标准预防措施 receive access to the following training materials:

  • Facilitator (Instructor) Guide
    包含课程材料, 活动, 技巧演示, 多媒体资源和专题资源.
  • 参与者(学生)指南
    的 contents are similar to the Facilitator Guide but do not contain the guidance for instructors.
  • ppt演示
  • 带答案键的测试

的 curriculum for these four courses is the only approved curriculum to be used when training employees and to have them placed on the registry for these courses.

  • 将课程的全部内容呈现给参与者, 包括视频, 活动及技能示范.
  • Provide additional program information that enhances, but does not conflict with, the curriculum.
  • 应用 teaching and training techniques that strengthen the presentation and increase the learner’s retention of the material.
  • Provide each participant with a copy of the Participant Guide and any other materials required in the Facilitator Guide. 鼓励参与者在返回工作场所时参考培训材料.
  • 课程只应与学生和其他经批准的教师共享.
  • All participants who successfully complete a training must be added to the Wisconsin Community-Based Care and Treatment Training 注册表 十天内 完成这门课. 


You can ensure the best learning environment and maintain the integrity of the classroom by observing the following requirements:

  • 准备一个 学生名单 使用提供的模板.
  • 确认每个学生的身份(e).g.、驾照、雇主声明等.)
  • 亲自进行培训. 远程学习只有在事先批准的情况下才被允许. 在任何情况下都不允许以视频为基础的培训.
  • 确保每个参与者在整个课程中都在场.
  • Training presentations must adhere to minimum length requirements: Fire Safety (three hours without testing), 药物管理(14小时,包括测试), 标准预防措施 (two hours without testing) and 急救和窒息 (four hours without testing).
  • One fifteen-minute break for every two hours of class time is permitted and counts toward the length requirements.
  • 用餐休息时间可能不计入长度要求.
  • Maintain professional demeanor and conduct; treat participants respectfully.
  • 药物管理应该有最大1:10的指导者与参与者的比例.


教师必须在每门课程结束时进行一次测试. 每个主题都有自己必须遵循的测试程序. 消防安全, 标准预防措施, 急救和窒息 classes feature written tests and the 药物管理 class contains a written test and a skills demonstration. 药物管理 instructors must follow the testing procedure as outlined in the information provided with the test forms for the curriculum. 所有的测试材料都寄给老师. 请按照以下要求维护测试的完整性:

  • 使用提供的最新测试问题.
  • 在考试前不与参与者分享试题.
  • 监督学生以确保独立的考试反应.
  • 是否不允许未参加全部课程的学员参加考试.
  • 允许并鼓励参与者在考试期间参考《立博体育投注app》.
  • 向消防安全大声朗读问题, 标准预防措施和急救和窒息课程参与者的要求.
  • 药物管理指导员 不允许 提供药物管理笔试或技能考试的口试.
  • 每位参与者必须正确回答90%的问题才能通过笔试.
  • Each participant who does not attain a passing score may re-take the test one time on the same day. 第二次失败要求参与者重新参加课程.
  • 教练 are to collect the participant's original test prior to the retake; both test copies are to be kept for 两年.
  • 消防安全考试的时间分配, 急救和窒息, 和标准预防措施不计入最低课程长度要求.


培训后评估可提供给参与者. 有关培训评估的更多信息,请发送电子邮件 registry@cossetto.net.

的 results of the surveys will be monitored and reviewed by Wisconsin Community-Based Care and Treatment Training 注册表 staff. 教练 will receive a report reflecting the results of their surveys at least yearly. Follow these requirements to ensure that all participants receive sufficient information to complete an online evaluation of the training:

  • 向每位参与者提供一份书面的 教师评价.
  • 强烈建议学员在下课前完成在线调查.
  • 如果技术可行, allow participants to complete the survey on the technology or to use their phones to complete the evaluation before they leave the class.



在4月1日或之后成功完成部门批准培训的个人, 2010, 被添加到位于培训注册处网站上的公共注册表中. 的 员工注册 contains the names of individuals who have successfully completed department-approved courses. 提供程序可以访问员工注册, state survey staff and other interested parties to verify that a employee has successfully completed a department-approved course. You must complete the following steps to assure employees you have trained are placed on the registry:

  • 让参与者在到达时在纸上签到,完成班级名单.
  • 使用政府提供的附有照片的身份证件核实参加者的资料.
  • 十天的课程, 登录 教练指示板 登记参加者, 支付每名学生20美元的注册费, 加上手写/打印的班级花名册. All participants that successfully complete a training must be added to the online Wisconsin Training 注册表 十天内 完成这门课. 下载登录教练仪表盘的说明(pdf).
  • Maintain class participant information, including rosters and test results, for at least 两年 从培训之日起.


有关经批准的教员的信息被添加到公共访问注册表中. 的 教练注册表 包含经批准的指导员及其代理机构的名称, 他们被批准的课程主题, 有效期(s), 联系方式和培训地点. Information is sorted in several ways to accommodate providers, state survey staff and other parties. 的 registry confirms instructor approval and provides resources for facilities seeking to find instructors of department-approved training. 遵循以下要求以确保教练注册表的准确性:

  • 联系威斯康星州社区护理和治疗培训登记处 registry@cossetto.net 如果你的联系方式或姓名发生变化,请及时告知.
  • 报告 registry@cossetto.net 任何暂停在五个工作日内, 用于获得教练批准的任何执照或凭证的过期或撤销.
  • 变更讲师资格状态:消防安全, 标准预防措施, 急救和窒息 and 药物管理 applications list a variety of different ways one can qualify to become an instructor. 当您更新您的教师身份时,您可以更改您的资格 教练指示板.
  • To apply as a Corporate Representative 登记参加者 on behalf of an instructor, 请在 教练指示板 并选择“企业代表”.
    • 教练 that have their own account and wish to also submit on behalf of other instructors must create an account as a Corporate Representative.

请注意,消防安全讲师批准, 药物管理, 急救和窒息 and 标准预防措施 may be suspended or revoked for failure to follow requirements.